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Create app instance


Documentation in development. With the intention of being available soon. If you want to collaborate with the documentation you can do so here


import { App } from 'backan';

const app = new App( {
	version     : '1.0.0',
	title       : 'BACKAN Example app',

export default app


 * Parameters for configuring the App.
export type AppParameters = {
	/** The version of the application. */
	version: string;

	/** The title of the application. */
	title: string;

	/** A brief description of the application. */
	description: string;

	/** Contact information for the application. */
	contact?: {
		/** The URL for contact information. */
		url?: string;

		/** The email address for contact. */
		mail?: string;

	/** Whether to format JSON responses prettily. */
	jsonResponse?: boolean;

	 * CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) configuration. 
	 * This extends from `hono` cors params.
	 * @see
	 * @example 
	 * {
	 *   origin       : '*',
	 *   allowMethods : [ 'GET'],
	 * }
	cors?: Parameters<typeof corsFunction>[0];

	/** Documentation configuration. */
	docs?: {
		 * The path where documentation is served.
		 * @default '/docs'
		path?: string;

		 * Whether the documentation is active. 
		 * @default true
		active?: boolean;

	/** Health check route configuration. */
	health?: {
		/** The path where the health check route is served. */
		path?: string;

		/** Whether the health check route is active. */
		active?: boolean;

		/** Additional options for the health route. */
		opts?: HealthRouteOptions;