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Create GET endpoint


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Add GET endpoint to a route

import { Route } from 'backan';

const id    = 'random'
const route = new Route( {
	path : id,
} )

		method    : 'get',
		path      : '/',
		summary   : 'Test route with response json',
		responses : {
			200 : route.response.responseJSONSuccess( route.validation.object( {
				fact : route.validation.string(),
			} ) ),
			400 : route.response.responseJSONError400,
			500 : route.response.responseJSONError500,
		tags : [
	async c => {

		try {

			const getRandomFact = async () => {

				try {

					const response = await fetch( '' )
					if ( !response.ok ) throw new Error( 'Network response was not ok' )
					const data = await response.json()
					return data.text
				} catch ( error ) {

					console.error( 'Error fetching the random fact:', error )
					return 'Could not fetch a random fact at this time.'
			return route.response.addSuccessResponse( c, {
				fact : await getRandomFact(),
			} ) 
		} catch ( e ) {

			return route.response.add500Error( c, e )
