Create PUT
Documentation in development. With the intention of being available soon. If you want to collaborate with the documentation you can do so here
import { Route } from 'backan'
const id = 'update'
const route = new Route( { path: id } )
// PUT Route - Update Data
method : 'put',
path : '/:id',
summary : 'Update resource by ID',
request : {
params : route.validation.object( { id: route.validation.string() } ),
body : { content : { 'application/json' : { schema : route.validation.object( {
name : route.validation.string(),
value : route.validation.number(),
} ) } } },
responses : {
200 : route.response.responseJSONSuccess(
route.validation.object( {
updated : route.validation.boolean(),
id : route.validation.string(),
} ),
400 : route.response.responseJSONError400,
404 : route.response.responseJSONError404,
500 : route.response.responseJSONError500,
tags : [ id ],
async c => {
try {
const { id } = c.req.valid( 'param' )
const {
name, value,
} = c.req.valid( 'json' )
console.log( `Updating resource ${id} with name: ${name} and value: ${value}` )
// Simulate success
return route.response.addSuccessResponse( c, {
updated : true,
} )
catch ( e ) {
// if ( e instanceof SomeValidationError ) {
// return route.response.add400Error( c, e )
// }
return route.response.add500Error( c, e )
export default route